Fusion Garage stumbles again Posted by Jeff Morgan (04/23/2010 @ 2:58 pm) Fusion Garage is eager to get feedback on its JooJoo tablet. It’s so eager, in fact, that it sent all of the pre-order customers (a whopping 64 people) a personal email asking for feedback. Oh, that email also contained every other customer’s email address in the CC field. You know, guys, there is a BCC field for a reason.
Personally, I think this is hilarious. It’s not like every spammer in the world doesn’t already have your email address. What are the dupes that got suckered into buying a JooJoo going to do with it, anyway? Email you when their device fails? At least you can commiserate with one another, right? Here’s the full text of the email: Dear Sir and Madam, Thank you for supporting JooJoo. We hope to get your feedback about the JooJoo Tablet. Please revert back to us want you think of our product. Please drop us a line on how your JooJoo is working. Thank you. JooJooSupportTeam
Source: Uneasy Silence JooJoo only took 90 preorders, 15 of which were returned Posted by Jeff Morgan (03/30/2010 @ 6:23 pm) The JooJoo lawsuits have unearthed some very interesting information. Apparently the device formerly known as the CrunchPad isn’t doing as well as expected. It isn’t doing well at all. To date there have been just 90 JooJoo preorders, that’s a nine with one zero after it, and 15 of those have been returned (which supposedly hasn’t been easy).
If you’ll remember, the initial run of JooJoo’s was supposed to finance a run into high production and provide the financing to support a legal defense against TechCrunch and Michael Arrington. For some reason I don’t think $44,000 is going to do that. Part of the problem is that the JooJoo was announced in the same month as the iPad at the same price. Who are you going to buy a $500 tablet from, Apple, or some company you’ve never heard of for reasons other than the lawsuit brought against it because the tablet it’s selling may be stolen IP. I think we all know the answer to that one. Source: Gizmodo Posted in: Computers, News Tags: best tablet, crunchpad, fusion garage, headlines, ipad killer, ipad vs joojoo, joojoo, joojoo tablet, tablet, tablet pc
JooJoo situation gets a little stickier Posted by Jeff Morgan (03/16/2010 @ 11:39 pm) With legislation still looming I was completely unsurprised to read this story about Fusion Garage and the JooJoo tablet over at Gizmodo. Apparently this customer tried to pre-order a JooJoo and, after hearing about all the setbacks, decided to cancel his order and receive a refund. That refund was the hard part.
Fusion Garage support claims to have had some problems with refunding the buyer’s credit card through PayPal. After several emails, here’s the final request from Fusion Garage to the buyer to process the refund. We have checked this at our end and there seems to be a problem with refunding via paypal. To avoid any further wait time, could you send us your bank name, bank account name, bank account number, sort or swift code and your bank address. We will have a direct transfer done to your bank account. If you could provide us the details today, we will ensure that the refund hits your bank account by friday of this week. Please advise . Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Best, joojoo
Oh yeah? Fusion Garage claims everything is legit, but so does that prince of nigeria that keeps emailing me about transferring money out of the country. Source: Gizmodo JooJoo delayed until March 25th Posted by Jeff Morgan (02/27/2010 @ 1:10 am) It’s been a while since we heard anything meaningful about the tablet formerly known as the CrunchPad. The device, now named JooJoo, has been overshadowed in a serious way by the Apple iPad. As much as I would like to dissuade everyone from buying one of these things, I know someone will. If you’re willing to dive into one of the more ridiculous tech situations of our time, though, you’ll be waiting to get your hands on your newest gadget. The JooJoo has been officially delayed until March 25th.
Earlier this month, Fusion Garage’s JooJoo Internet tablet went into full production with an anticipated on-time delivery to consumers at the end of February. Last week, the company became aware of a manufacturing issue involving JooJoo’s industry-first 12.1 inch capacitive touch screen which Fusion Garage was quickly able to diagnose and rectify. The company now forecasts the JooJoo will be sent to consumers on March 25. The manufacturing issue centers on fine tuning the touch sensitivity of the capacitive screen. Fusion Garage will be providing all pre-order customers with a free JooJoo accessory to compensate for the delay in the delivery of their JooJoo.
That’s the official word from Fusion Garage. As nice as the JooJoo seems, the delays and impending litigation are enough to keep me away from the device. To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the first of many delays. Posted in: Computers, News Tags: crunchpad, fusion garage, ipad, ipad competitor, ipad vs joojoo, joojoo, joojoo tablet, michael arrington, tablet, tablet pc
CrunchPad/JooJoo lawsuits have been filed Posted by Jeff Morgan (12/12/2009 @ 2:21 am) Arrington and TechCrunch have officially filed suit against Fusion Garage for the tablet formerly known as the CrunchPad. Arrington is confident in his position, and seemingly for good reason. He’s the only side we’ve seen hard evidence from so far, and it’s looking like Fusion Garage may have really screwed the pooch here.
If you’re interested in the manufacturer’s many missteps, you can check out Arrington’s latest over on TechCrunch. The short version is this: Fusion Garage is funded by a chiropractor (read: they’re broke). They don’t have money to both make the device and hire an attorney for defense of this suit. Bearing that in mind, pre-order cash is likely going to pay for an attorney, so you won’t be getting your tablet any time soon. Fusion Garage may also be looking at further lawsuits from other partners, as the company probably had to give away IP to get this thing out on time. That’s not good. As I mentioned before, any kind of investment in this device is a waste of money. It’s already so messy I can’t imagine anyone would actually want to be involved with it. Source: TechCrunch |