CrunchPad/JooJoo lawsuits have been filed

Chandra with the JooJoo.Arrington and TechCrunch have officially filed suit against Fusion Garage for the tablet formerly known as the CrunchPad. Arrington is confident in his position, and seemingly for good reason. He’s the only side we’ve seen hard evidence from so far, and it’s looking like Fusion Garage may have really screwed the pooch here.

If you’re interested in the manufacturer’s many missteps, you can check out Arrington’s latest over on TechCrunch. The short version is this: Fusion Garage is funded by a chiropractor (read: they’re broke). They don’t have money to both make the device and hire an attorney for defense of this suit. Bearing that in mind, pre-order cash is likely going to pay for an attorney, so you won’t be getting your tablet any time soon. Fusion Garage may also be looking at further lawsuits from other partners, as the company probably had to give away IP to get this thing out on time. That’s not good.

As I mentioned before, any kind of investment in this device is a waste of money. It’s already so messy I can’t imagine anyone would actually want to be involved with it.

Source: TechCrunch


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