A 15 Year Old Has Invented A Flashlight That Runs Off Your Hands

If that headline made you feel like you may not be contributing as much effort to society as you could…you’re not alone.

Yes, a 15 year old from Canada has created a flashlight that runs off of nothing more than your hands. While you might guess that magic is the cause (possibly evil magic) it in fact functions because of peltier tiles, which generate an electric currency when one side of the tile becomes hotter than the other.

In this case, the exterior of the handle is heated by your hands, while the interior components remain cool. Specifically, the exterior must remain 5 degrees Celsius hotter than the interior for a useful enough current to be produced.

The developer calls this the design’s greatest flaw, since being humble is much easier when you are a 15 year old genius.

Dubbed the hollow flashlight because of its hollow handle, the design is still in a sort of prototype phase and is currently making its rounds at various young achievers contests, including the worldwide 2013 Google Science Fair, where it finished in the top 15.

Garnering impressive accomplishments aside, there doesn’t seem to be much direction for the hollow flashlight as there is only the one known model and, no matter how intelligent they are, 15 year olds usually don’t mass produce on their own.

This is a great design, though, that improves upon some recent battery free flashlight ideas, by functioning off something you always have easily on hand (pun sadly intended) without relying on cumbersome and time consuming mechanics.

Hopefully then someone picks up the concept, as some form of this design would ideally be in every emergency kit worldwide.