Behold the Finest Achievement in the History of Man
In “2001: A Space Odyssey” director Stanley Kubrick opens his film with a group of apes discovering the monolith, which was a towering structure of great significance, that would serve as a beacon to change of global proportions, and shape the events of everything that was to come.
In 2013, we now know this was not a creative plot device and instead a herald of the real future, as the monolith was recently discovered, and it has taken the form of an arcade machine called The Last Barfighter.
The Last Barfighter is a Big Boss Brewery sponsored arcade machine that allows two players to play a few rounds of a simple 2D fighting game featuring a host of wacky characters. The game is mostly irrelevant though, as the real story here is that the victor gets his or her cup filled with a free beer straight from the machine, immediately putting to shame every Chuck E Cheese gaming prize you’ve ever garnered.
The machine runs off of motion sensors that recognize cups and not quarters, and it only appears at special events, most around the brewery’s home state of North Carolina. With any conceivable amount of luck though, they will start getting these to venues everywhere as it is not only one of the more significant milestones in all of human endeavors, but the best combination of beer and games ever.
Posted in: News
Tags: 2001: A Space Odyssey, arcade games for bars, Arcades and beer, bar games, beer pong, best arcade cabinets, best arcade games, best bar games, best drinking games, Big Boss Brewery, competitive drinking, Drinking Achievements, drinking arcade machines, drinking games, free beer, Gadget Articles, Gadget Blogs, gadget features, Gadget Headlines, Gadget News, Gadgets, gaming and beer, Gaming Gadgets, gizmos, greatest drinking games, Monolith, new arcade games, New Gadgets, new gizmos, strange gadgets, strange gizmos, Technology, The Last Barfighter, unique arcade games, Unique Gadgets, weird gizmos