Lots of reviews coming this week

konnet_icradoThings have been a little slow over here as I’ve been working on a few other projects and dealing with some big announcement over on Fearless Gamer, our gaming blog. This week we’ll be back in full swing though, and I’m adding a bunch of reviews to the site.

Later in the week you’ll start to see some of the new iPhone 4 accessories. Over the rest of the summer I’ll be getting a few more, but for now I’ve got at least a dock to show off. I’ll also be covering the Booq line of laptop bags (more specifically the Boa S Nerve) and Warpia’s wireless PC-to-TV broadcast system.

I’ve also been starting to dig around Aperture. I had played with the software a bit when it first launched, but without any high quality images, it wasn’t a piece of software I cared to invest in. Now that I have my shiny new camera, I think it’s time I take a more serious look. I’ll be posting my impressions throughout the week as I get to know the ins and outs of photo management (from what I hear, Aperture is the way it should be done).


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