Leaked AdSense ads suggest new Macs

Apple's iMac.AppleInsider dug up some AdSense ads from Google.nl this weekend that suggest the iMac/Macbook/Mac Mini refresh may be coming sooner rather than later. The ads are in Dutch, but the translations could be indications of the rumored upgrades. This is all assuming the ads are from Apple, of course. It seems odd to go to such lengths for a spoof, but I’ve seen dumber things.

I’ll leave the screenshots over at AI, but the text is as follows:

Apple’s Newest MacBook. Thinner, lighter and faster! Free delivery. Order today.

The Brand new iMac. Ultra Thin 20 & 24 inch models. From only € 1099. Apple Store

Apple’s New Mac Mini. Faster and more affordable than ever. From only € 499. Order immediately.

The ads also link back to the localized Apple Store, making things a bit more elaborate than is believable for a hoax. The most convincing ad is the iMac, since “ultra-thin” hasn’t really been part of the ad copy for that machine. The rest could arguably be the same device, just with new ads.

AI also got news that several Apple stores have received new signage in the past few days that is not to be opened until further notice. Trés Mysterieux!


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