I’ll have what Carol Bartz is having

Tech comparisons.Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz has had some…interesting…things to say about the future of the web and her company’s competition with Google. This latest tidbit, which comes courtesy of a BBC interview, is a real humdinger.

According to Bartz:
Google is going to have a problem because Google is only known for search…It is only half our business; it’s 99.9% of their business. They’ve got to find other things to do…Google has to grow a company the size of Yahoo every year to be interesting.

What’s that now, Carol? At the risk of sounding the Google fanboy, I’m willing to call this lady nuts. Completely bonkers, actually. No sane person can honestly say Google lacks diversity. The company is reaching into every aspect of web-connected living, or life as some call it. HP just dropped Microsoft in favor of Google’s OS for tablet devices and let’s not forget that Google as a search engine is the juggernaut of the industry. That says nothing of the other services Google provides. In case, like Carol Bartz, you’ve forgotten what that portfolio looks like, you can check out a full list of products here.

If that still doesn’t have you convinced, consider this chart from the NYT comparing the endeavors of the world’s great tech empires.