13-Year-Old Trades iPod for a Walkman

Scott Campbell and his mom.This article from the BBC’s The Magazine is quickly making its rounds and it’s definitely worth the read. The author, 13-year-old Scott Campbell, was given a Walkman by his father. The near ancient artifact was meant to replace Scott’s iPod for a full week, after which he could return to his digital life.

Scott had some interesting observations/struggles in dealing with his old technology. Here’s a few excerpts:

*It took me three days to figure out that there was another side to the tape.
*As I boarded the school bus, where I live in Aberdeenshire, I was greeted with laughter.
*[on battery life]; it is nearly completely dead within three hours of firing it up. Not long after the music warbled into life, it abruptly ended.

We’re probably not too far from seeing those things all but extinct, as in, unable to find almost anywhere. I have to wonder, should I be saving my 3rd generation iPod to show my son someday? What will his music experience look like?

I’m lucky enough to live up the street from a store called Big Fun that sells old toys, video games, and general nostalgia, so I can get my paleolithic tech fix whenever I want. Where do you get yours?